EAT LOCAL THURSDAY farmers market Wagga

EAT LOCAL THURSDAY enables farmers to trade weekly &, in less than 12 months, more than $1m was spent. In turn,those $ went back to smaller local towns where our Traders come from = local food economy

Elements Restaurant at the Wagga Botanic Gardens, 43 Tom Wood Drive Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 0427 44 11 07
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What's it all about?

"For all Australians to have food security, we need prosperous farmers, not cheap imported food' said Founder of the EAT LOCAL MOVEMENT, pennie scott.
This is the rationale behind the weekly EAT LOCAL THURSDAY farmers market in Wagga which commenced in 2014 with more than 45 seasonal Growers and Makers bringing their chemical and gmo-free produce and products to the market during the year.
The food literacy levels of Riverina residents has grown dramatically as they learn about and participate in their local food economy. When farmers are paid a fair price for their efforts, knowledge, passion and food, they grow more and that equals local food security.

Related Keywords: meet your farmers seasonal riverina and regional foods creative food economy local food security prosperous farmers chemical and gmo-free foods


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